Padilla Angulo, Fernando Javier (2023). Volunteers of the Empire. War, Identity and Spanish Imperialism, 1855-1898. Londres: Bloomsbury Academic, 264 páginas.

 ISBN: 9781350281202

Durante más de cuarenta años, los cuerpos de Voluntarios fueron la milicia más importante de la presencia española en Ultramar. Especialmente relevantes durante las guerras de independencia de Cuba, pero también presentes en Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Filipinas, decenas de miles de hombres (más de 100.000 a finales de siglo), peninsulares y criollos, afrodescendientes y nativos filipinos, vinieron a representar con el fusil en la mano un proyecto nacional español que pretendía integrar la España metropolitana con sus territorios ultramarinos en un complejo contexto de contradicciones internas, movimientos independentistas y apetencias expansionistas de los Estados Unidos.


List of Illustrations


1. Crossroads of Empires in the Antilles

The Annexationist Momentum

Volunteers Before the Volunteers in Spanish America

The Nobles Vecinos

2. A Reaction Against Annexation

What to do with the Volunteers?

3. Saved by the Empire: Morocco, Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico

War in Santo Domingo

Volunteers in Puerto Rico

4. Against the Revolution (1868-1878)

Counterrevolution in the Antilles

Volunteers’ Days of Fury

A Propaganda War

The Volunteers and Labour Movement

From Cities to the Countryside: The Mobilised Battalions

The War Outside Havana: A Cuban Civil War

Volunteers in Puerto Rico

5. Fighting the Revolution Across the Atlantic

Casinos Españoles

Círculos Hispano-Ultramarinos

6. The Volunteers and the Reconstruction of Cuba

The Little War

Reconstructing Cuba

The Volunteers and the Military-Agricultural Colonies

7. The Volunteers and the Emergence of Party Politics

Repressing the Autonomists: The Puerto Rican “compontes”

The Volunteers and the Right to Vote

8. The Volunteers and the Military Challenges of Peace

Serving in the Volunteers under the Military Service Law of 1885

The Volunteers’ Social Unrest

Reform Projects for the Volunteers

A new reglamento for the Cuban Volunteers

The Volunteers and the Fight Against Banditry

9. The Volunteers Towards the Disaster (1895-1898)

War in Cuba

Mobilising the Volunteers

Volunteers on the Spot

Weyler’s Total War


Road to a New War

War from the Distance in Puerto Rico

10. The Volunteers in the Philippines

11. Dismantling the Volunteers

12. After the War


